
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Simple supper: Pizza

So, from now on in, when a post starts with Simple Supper - It means its a nice, really easy to do, even 'shortcut' recipe. Not saying they are any less awesome!

Chicken - Mushroom and Avocado Pizza

This one isn't even a recipe, more like an idea and a quick guide on how-to. Pizza is great, almost everyone loves pizza! But, even a person like me who can happily spend an hour cooking sometimes wants to hurry things up ! So you'll need;

Store-bought pizza base ( no tomato )
A can of diced italian tomatos ( I dont like the actual 'pizza' pr 'pasta' sauces, but you can try em out ! )
A 150g ball of Mozzarella per pizza.
One avocado, ripe.
Mushrooms and chicken breasts and some basil.

And ofcourse, olive oil.

Cut the chicken breasts into little strips. Pan fry till done with salt and pepper. Slice up the mushrooms as thinly as you can and slice your ball of mozzarella about, 5mm slices will do. Shred some basil. Cut open, peel and thinly slice the avo. Don't know how ? Comment and ill blog it !

Whip open your pizza base. Pour olive oil over the base, rub it in alll over it, taking a moment to take like you actually made it :)  Open the can of tomatos. Simply spoon some one the base and spread with the back of the spoon, till you got as much as you like. If you think tomatoes are sour, sprinkle some sugar, yes sugar!

Now spread some mushrooms, place the chicken where ever you like it and sprinkle with the fresh basil. Place the slices of mozzarella evenly around the pizza and drizzle with olive oil. Into a pre-heated oven at about 180'C until it looks done, take it out and layer the avocado. ( Cooking it makes it bitter ! )

Really, how simple is that. Cutting alot of corners, but simple !

Now to make it gourmet;  make the pizza base yourself, make the tomato sauce yourself - both of which I will be blogging about soon!  I'll also give an update of topping ideas soon !



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