
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Chef's hat: My signature spaghetti dish !

Today I thought I'd share probably my favourite recipe! Happy to say that this one came straight from my head too! When anyone asked me to cook for them, this is always the dish I use a main course, with a very light soup to start, or something crisp, like a bruschetta, anyway! That is unless they say they don't like cheese, or Parma ham, or tomatoes, in which case I tell them to go very far away from me. Everyone who has tasted this dish, has been amazed! So;

Spaghetti with roasted tomatoes, fresh rucola, prosciutto and emmental sauce.

You need;
Spaghetti (Barilla #5)
Emmental cheese (Or similar strong cheese)
Fresh rocket/rucola
Prosciutto crudo (Parma ham)
Cherry tomatoes, or baby Italians.
Sundried tomatoes in oil (Make sure oil and not something else)
Sugar, flour, butter, milk, olive oil, salt n pepper.

Pasta: Bring a pit of water to boil, throw in some salt and add a dash of olive oil. This should take just about 9 mins once boiling.

Slice your cherry toms and place on a baking tray, sprinkle with sugar to add a lovely sweetness and place in a warm oven at about 180. They only need about 10mins, but you will be able to tell, when they look very soft and baked.

Add some olive oil to a pan and simply shred the ham in and fry, slightly, parma ham will get crisp very fast! Then leave it, add your tomatoes from the overn when they are done, they should be so soft they kinda just fall into their own sauce with the ham. Add a little sliced sun dried tomatoes, they are usually pretty powerful, so just enough to taste. Done.

Now the cheese. Alot of people are scared of cheese sauce, no idea why, its so simple! Start, get a sauce pan, add a slab of butter on high heat. Once it's melted add a table spoon of flour, mix quickly into the butter, into a nice deep yellow paste. Start adding milk a little at a time, (You can put down the heat a little ) always stirring, making sure not to make any lumps! It should start getting very thick as it cooks, and so you'll need to add more milk until you are happy with the texture. Now, add all your grated cheese, back onto high heat and keep mixing in. It will get even thicker, so add a touch of milk, salt and pepper, and taste the amazing cheesy liquid you just made, awesome right? Cheese sauce!

Now pour all of it straight into the pan with the ham and put it on a low heat. when the pasta is done, drain and sprinkle with olive oil, toss, and then put all of it also into the pan ! Or, if your pan is small, the pasta into the pot and the sauce onto the pasta! But, you get what I mean. Lastly, throw in a handful of rocket, and toss, and then serve!

Wow ! :)


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